Matías Grioni

Software Engineer

I am a recent graduate from the Computer Science program at Ohio State University and started work in June 2018 as a Software Engineer at Microsoft Redmond on the Windows Platform Team, and currently work on the Ranking platform within Bing. At Ohio State, I did research under Marie-Catherine de Marneffe working on the Universal Dependencies project to improve internal consistency and the Herodotos project to automatically identify ancient groups in classics texts. My studies focused on AI, linguistics, and mathematics, and I am interested in NLP, maching learning, and CS applications that automate difficult tasks for surprising results. I am always trying to learn more about these fields. In my free time, I like to take photos (like this background if you're on desktop), bike, play volleyball, and study romance languages.


a low level python api layer over the CoNLL-U format, popularly used in Universal Dependencies, to allow easy manipulation of raw text data

euchre ai

an attempt to use mcts to create a super-human ai for the card game euchre; this project is currently on hold


class project as example of malware; install on victim's computer and send their keystrokes and web activity to a client on your computer

Assessing the annotation consistency of the Universal Dependencies corpora

assessing annotation consistency in dependency corpora in ud v2 treebanks, cf. DepLing 2017 proceedings. Part of my larger work the Universal Dependencies group.

Herodotos Project

Undergraduate research assistant on Herodotos project, which seeks to automatically compile ethnohistory through NER of classic texts. A small article on the project appeared in Pathways

Monte Carlo tree search evaluation in imperfect information environments through euchre

An open-source implementation and evaluation of Monte Carlo tree search on the card game euchre. Presented at the Ohio State Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

microsoft, june 2018 to present

software engineer on Ranking platform in Bing; focused on large-scale services for high throughput and low latency

quid, summer 2017

big data processing for nlp using apache spark and kafka

battelle, summer 2016

experience with c# and the .net platform interfacing with custom hardware